Published by amanda under
on 12/04/2008

This picture is beautiful. As it is the end of the semester and Christmas is around the corner, this picture is perfect for what is on everyone's mind. Hopefully everyone will have a safe and happy holiday season. It has been fun, and as sad as it is to say goodbye, I must. It's been real.
There is no article for this picture, so interpret it however you like.
Published by The Blog Shot under
on 12/04/2008

Interestingly enough, this picture is actually from the alleged Sacramento Community College video online where students create a comedy style routine. When I first saw this shot of Jack Black obviously looking like Jesus, I thought, oh no, what kind of Christmas joke do we have going on here? Come to find out, Jack Black and some other Hollywood Celebrities have joined forces to make a comedic stage-play bashing current political issues like gay marriages. Well even though this was not at all what I expected, lets hope Karma doesn't catch up with Jack Black or he might just meet his maker sooner than he expected.
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Published by Donnie under
on 12/03/2008

When I first saw this photo I thought to myself wow this guy’s mad. The guy on the right in the picture is full of emotion. When I look at the photo my eyes go right to him. Then I read the article and it’s about updates of the Mumbai attack.
What a horrible situation this was, I couldn’t believe what happened. So many people killed, for what? The article centered on the current suspect in custody and what information he’s given up. The suspect is Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, 21, from Pakistan. I almost threw up when I read that the suspect shot a little boy to shut him up. It must have been so chaotic when the attack was going on. The article states that there were ten attackers and they trained for three months.
All ten attackers were Pakistanis, but Pakistan officials have denied this. The people in the photograph are demonstrators in Mumbai yelling anti-Pakistan remarks. I hope something can help relax tensions in the area. This looks like it could be very hard, considering India and Pakistan’s relationship.
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Published by Marissa under
on 12/02/2008
From the look of this picture, it appears that barley, the moon, and the Japanese are making a venture together, or at least a press conference. In some ways this is true. The Japanese recently have grown where no one has grown before; in space.
With the help of the Russian Academy of Science and Japanese powerhouse beer company, Sapporo, the Japanese brewed their trademarked "Space Barley" over the course of five months. The brew was cultivated in the International Space Station in 2006, and now is reaching eager testers at Sapporo Breweries Ltd.
Could space beer be better than Earth made brew? That is what researchers intend to find out through a series of projects that are looking into the biological studies of the adaption of plants to new environments. So far, there have been no differences found between space made and earth made beer, but no doubt consumers would love to get a taste of the far foreign brew.
To read more on this story, see the original article at:
Published by vicki under
on 12/01/2008

This photo is of a man who seems to be walking on the street, but in all reality it is of a Giants Football player named Plaxico Burress who accidently shot himself in the right thigh this past friday night at a Manhatten nightclub. He will appear in court and is pleading not guilty on a weapon possession charge. If he is found guilty he will have to serve up to 3 1/2 years in prision. Should a guy be arrested for shooting himself? I think that there should be some steps taken and that this man should not be able to have a gun anymore, because anyone who shoots themselves in the leg or anywhere that is not going to kill you, is asking for attention. This football player is worried about his career in football and if he will ever be able to play again, but I wonder if he should be allowed to play again for the carless way he takes care of himself.
Hopefully for his sake he will be able to play again, but he should have to go through some kind of therapy that will help him with whatever he is dealing with.People don't just shoot themselves for no reason, there has to be something behind it.
Published by amanda under
on 11/30/2008

Here is something I never thought I would see. An ambulance outside a Toys R Us just does not seem right. With the holiday weekend ending, and Black Friday over, one can only guess this picture has to do with Black Friday.
There were two men killed in a Toys R Us on Friday in Palm Desert, California. The two men, whose names are not yet released, had a confrontation inside the store and shot each other with handguns. The guns were found near the victims, so no other people are suspects. According to the Toys R Us spokesperson, the incident was not over a toy, but a seperate matter. Times are tough, and Christmas causes a lot of stress, so I personally would not rule out the possibility of the shooting being over the newest video game or Tickle Me Elmo (are those even around still?!).
In a seperate incident, a man was trampled on by customers rushing into Wal-Mart in Long Island, New York at 5 am when doors were open. What is going on people?!!! I went to shopping around Rochester on Friday and people were absolutely insane. I almost got into 5 car accidents in the mall parking lot alone. What happened to "the most wonderful time of the year?" I hope people will start thinking with their heads and not their wallets, so no more incidents like this happen again.
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Published by Donnie under
on 11/28/2008

The Salvation Army has felt the crunch of the economy as well these days. The donations have been slowing year by year. The Salvation Army is doing whatever it can these days to attract donations. The people that usually donate are coming to us for help says Salvation Army. They have started to target the younger generation for donations. This is where this article got my attention, because they have great new ideas. The Salvation Army has gone tech savvy this holiday season.
One thing that the Salvation Army has done is to start testing a new cell phone system that allows people to donate by phone. Another thing that was quite surprising is the Salvation Army has Twitter feed now. They also started a huge online Red Kettle campaign which includes help from National Football League, National Hockey League, and the Jonas Brothers. It looks like the Salvation Army has the right idea. Hopefully it all works out for them and people can get the help they need this holiday season.
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Published by Marissa under
on 11/25/2008
Think twice next time you decide to keep your loaded revolver under your pillow. One German man learned this the hard way, after he lost his gun license to what the court called, "irresponsible behavior" by failing to store his weapon properly.
German Law prohibits specifically, gun storage beneath a pillow. Which makes sense if you don't want your fire arm to randomly fire, while your sleeping. This man had a heightened sense of paranoia toward burglars, therefore he kept a gun under his pillow at all times, and a few others around the house.
Many gun use activists are freaking out now that suspicion of arms law changes are suspected with Obama's presidency. Rises in gun purchases all over America are evidence of that, and it seems that the "right to bare arms" certainly is a hot button for many, not just Americans. Crime is also higher than it used to be, which has caused many citizens to do the same as this man, store a gun or other weapon by the bed in the off hand chance you may need to use it to defend yourself.
Where should the law divide? Do you think its reasonable for people to keep guns under the pillow, or on their person?
To read more on this story, see the original article at:
Published by The Blog Shot under
on 11/23/2008

Initially this photo struck me like it'd relate to another story of a crazed preacher somehow being involved in politics. Ironically this photo goes along with a story informing that going to church actually increases your chances of living longer. Could it be from less stress associated with being spiritual or is something more superstitious going on? Take it for what it's worth. What do you think?
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Published by vicki under
on 11/21/2008

This picture can give off many thoughts, one this man is terribly sick and needs to sit down, two he looks like he fell asleep and people are waking him up or three he fainted when talking. Well option three is right, Attorney General Michael Mukasey fainted while speaking at the Federalist Society dinner at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington.
This man is 67 years old and just fainted, he didn't have a stroke or a heart attack and he is already telling jokes and ready to get out of the hospital. These things happen and its crazy that people assume the worst when something like this happens. These things I feel are always blown way out of proportion. The man was most likely fine and he probably just got light headed like we all do and passed out, people made a big deal out of it because he is the Attorney General and he is old. Just remember that sometimes if you make a big deal out of nothing then people can get the wrong information and blow things way out of proportion.
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Published by amanda under
on 11/20/2008

It looks like this man is about to be sucked into the fan and spit back out. After looking a little bit longer, before reading the article I decided the picture looked like a Stomp-type performance. Only this stomp has a half naked man doing the most stomping.
In reality, this man is performing Taiko drumming, which is an ancient Japanese ritual that is being taught in America. An International Taiko Festival is being held in San Fransico. This article is very interesting but I still think it looks dangerous.
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Published by Marissa under
on 11/18/2008

When I saw this story, I was in disbelief. Eileen Wilbur,74, a Wisconsin born blind woman, was alerted by her daughter that she had an overdue bill of 1 cent. If she did not pay it on time, it would result in a $48 penalty. The 1 cent of her water bill, was from the previous fiscal year of July 2007-2008.
Yet months later this woman is in danger of having a lien placed on her home. Although the woman and her family are outraged that the 1 cent was not included in the original bill long before, they most likely will end up paying it. Thousands of these bills were printed and sent out in the same fashion, and the water authority seems unconcerned. Clearly the 1 cent must be an oversight or error, but should this elderly blind woman have to be the one to pay for it in $ or a result of foreclosure?What do you think?
To read more on this story, see the original article at:
Published by The Blog Shot under
on 11/17/2008

Please just click on this link and read this email account of a guy trying to pay his bill with a drawing of a spider; it's a riot. At first I couldn't imagine what this article had to do with a picture of a spider, but as you read the account, it's hilarious! Just give it a chance, do you think this is real? Could someone really be this immature? Maybe!
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Published by amanda under
on 11/13/2008

Just look at the picture. Go ahead, keep looking. No, this is not a play on your vision and some sail boat is going to appear. Just look. Any idea yet as to what this is?
This photo is actually the first photo of a planet outside our solar system. It is known as an exoplanet which is a planet that does not rotate around the sun. The pictures were taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, which it 18 years old. That just proves that sometimes we do not need new advanced technology, the old goodies work just fine.
My only hope is if there is life outside Earth that they are as friendly and cute as E.T. I will keep some Reeses Pieces in my desk drawer just in case.
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Published by Marissa under
on 11/12/2008

At first glance, it seems far more likely that this 73 year old man would be shooting a free throw for the typical audience contest that takes place in many games, in the hopes of winning a prize. However, 73 year old Ken Mink is a player for Roane State varsity basketball team. Shown here shooting a free throw for the teams 93-42 win over rival King College's junior varsity team.
Mink became the oldest person to play college basketball, and it appears age has no bearing on his performance. A full-time student at the college, the last team he played for was Lees College, 52 years ago. He was expelled and kicked off the team after someone apparently soaped the coach's office. Mink still maintains it wasn't him.
After re-discovering his passion for the sport, he wrote to colleges in the area to see if a coach would give him a chance to play again. Randy Nesbit of Roane State gave him that chance. Now he practices every day with the team and attends classes. I guess this just proves its never too late to find your calling, or get another shot at a dream.
To read more about this story, see the original article at:
Published by Donnie under
on 11/11/2008

At first glance I see empty spaces and some guns on the wall. Then I thought wow guns are going quick. This article's about gun owners being worried because Obama won the election'
Now that Obama has won the election, people across the country are worried about gun sales and rights. Since the election, many people have gone out and bought guns. The reason is because people believe Obama will be harsh on gun control. Many feel a harsh tax will be put on guns and ammo.
The gun dealers across the country are reporting a big hike in gun sales. Assault weapons seem to be the ones coming off the shelves the most. Many feel Obama will hit assault weapons the most with restrictions, or some feel taken right off the shelf. I don't know how to feel about this one, guns are bad if bad people have them. Then again I know responsible gun owners as well.
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Published by The Blog Shot under
on 11/10/2008

No specific article goes along with this photo; however as the saying goes, this picture does say 1,000 words. The day after the Nov 4th Election the Illinois Evening Pick 3 lottery randomly generated this 3-digit winning number; 666. Call it irony, coincidence, whatever you may - it's interesting to say the least. Take it for what it's worth.
Published by amanda under
on 11/06/2008

At first glance, this seems like a typical interview picture from CNN. Look a little closer and it looks like the woman, who is CNN correspondent Jessica Yellin is about to be abducted by aliens. In an effort to win viewers on election night, CNN took interviewing over the top and beamed in Yellin as a hologram. Yellin was actually in Chicago covering the results.
I guess this was not a true hologram, but resulted in the use of a green screen and many cameras taking the images and transmitting them into the studio. I do not know anything about technology, but I do know it is not natural to interview real but fake people. I actually watched this on TV and it did look good, but creepy at the same time. What do you think? They used the technology twice that night when Anderson Cooper interviewed Will I Am from the black eyed peas. I personally did not see that interview, but I hear it is a YouTube favorite.
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Published by Marissa under
on 11/06/2008
At first glance, duct tape certainly does not inspire the story that follows. After reading this article, it turns out that a United Airlines flight from Puerto Rico to Chicago had more than they bargained for in the way of drama. Maria Esther Castillo, a native of Oswego, NY, was restrained with duct tape to her chair after fighting and grabbing at the flight attendants and passengers. Castillo hit a flight attendant on the buttocks, and then proceeded to fall on a blind man's head and pull his hair, after falling from her stance standing on the seats.
The situation apparently became so out of control that the flight was forced to land early in North Carolina. While ankle cuffs were attempted to restrain Castillo, they did not hold. Flight attendants were forced to use duct tape to hold her to the seat until landing. Witnesses claim to have seen her drinking at an airport bar, and flight attendants served her another drink on the flight. Do you think that there should be limits to how many drinks you are served on an airplane or at the airport?
Castillo is being charged with resisting arrest and interfering with the operations of a flight crew, and is due to court for her arraignment today. Certainly it appears Castillo had one too many drinks. Not to mention the airport isn't exactly a club. No doubt the airline will be more cautious in serving alcoholic beverages to its passengers in the future, and we can only hope that Castillo will be just as cautious as well. Do you think that the use of duct tape was warranted by flight attendants?
To read more, see original article at:
Published by Donnie under
on 11/04/2008

What a race and now it comes down to the final hours. The world is watching and waiting for the declared winner. Polling stations are filled and there is excitement all over the nation. The campaigning is now slowing; candidates have given their reasons of why they are the best choice to lead the nation. Myself I’m very excited to see what happens, it’s an important time for the country. Our new leader will have his plate full of problems that will need to be solved.
I think the current situation in the U.S. is the reason for mass numbers of voting. People are ready for a change and so am I. This turnout shows how upset the public is with how things have been run these past years. I think that everyone is ready for a change in the way this government is run. In a few hours there will be a new president and the country will wait to see if things are being addressed.
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Published by vicki under
on 11/04/2008

The Dalai Lama wants to preserve compassion in this world, because the world is materialistic. "Up to now on this planet, I think people put all their hope on money, on material wealth. It is unethical and very unhealthy," said the Dalai Lama. He is right, so many people are interested in the new trends, having the most expensive car, the best clothes, that they don't realize the important things in life such as family, friends and being healthy. I don't think people really realize how much we depend on material stuff to make us happy. If we don't have a cappuccino from Tim Hortons, we get upset and are upset for most of the day. This shouldn't be the way of life, there should be more meaning to our lives than just material stuff.
He also said that more and more people want peace and that they are fed up with war. I also believe that is true. We have been at war for so long that everyone is sick of it and just wants the war to be over.
If we want to change the way we live we have to actually do it not just say that we are going to change.
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Published by The Blog Shot under
on 10/31/2008

Sorry no picture for this one, read the article and you'll see why...
When I first read this article I said no way, how funny is this? The main premiss for the story is a stereotype; aparantly it's common knowledge that "larger" women don't have sex. A recent study has proven this to be actually incorrect. So as these winter months approach us, keep in mind, that extra roll or two, might just keep you going; pun intended.
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Published by amanda under
on 10/30/2008

Sheep really are a cute and resourceful animal. Their wool helps keep many people warm on those cold winter nights. A picture like this can go one of two ways; a sweet story about some sheep farmer, or some kind of horrible animal abuse story. If you guessed either of these, you are wrong!
When your little brother or daughter cannot sleep what do you have them do? You tell them to count sheep so they can fall asleep. Due to stress over the economy many people are not getting much sleep, according to this article. This picture is really irrelevant to the article. I was really hoping for some cute story about sweaters, not how depressed the world is over mortgage payments and retirement. Everyone knows how bad things are, I think it is time for some warm and fuzzy stories to cheer us up.
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Published by Marissa under
on 10/29/2008
When I first saw this picture, I figured this was an article about the police. But no, this a picture of where your criminal justice degree could take you in finding a career right out of college.
Many of us are worried about what to expect with degrees in our career field, while the economy is slowly declining. However, despite the lagging market there are many entry-level jobs for all students with bachelors degrees.
People with degrees in the communication area can find jobs in PR, reporting, advertising, public speaking and more, and can make as much as $30,921 in beginning salary. Perhaps more than I or you expected with a dwindling economy, not to mention high competition in the medium. Do you think this is a reasonable expectation for our degrees?
The highest paying degrees are in marketing and business adminstration/managment which apparently can yield slightly less than $60,000 per year. If you are familiar with either of these areas, it can be a huge asset to have entering into the work world.
Do you think this is a reasonable expectation for our degrees? Do you think the economy could have further effects on what salary you do make?
To read more about this, see the original article link below:
Published by Donnie under
on 10/28/2008
When I saw the photograph I laughed, man that guys tired. Then I thought to myself he must be at work or had a long day. After reading the article it’s about Americans being concerned about money. Therefore they are losing sleep or not getting any because of money concerns.
A new study was done that shows Americans are having trouble sleeping. People are too worried about finances these days. According to the survey 9 out of 10 Americans are losing sleep becasue of money issues.
The study was done by ComPsych Corporation which has contracts with companies to assist employees with problems and issues. Many of the peoples concerns are the rising cost of living and credit card debt. Some other concerns are school tuition and medical care. I guess this makes sense with the current problems here in America. Hopefully things will get figured out and people can start getting a good night sleep. Check out the details of the study by following the link below.
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Published by The Blog Shot under
on 10/27/2008

I first thought this photo was going to have something to do with hunting season opening or something along those lines; never did I think it would deal with the economy. Apparently gun sales are up 8 to 10, which is really interesting due to the fact that the economy is failing so badly. I wonder what other sales are up in this failing economy? What do you think? This really gives a whole new meaning to Economics class and Guns VS. Butter.
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Published by vicki under
on 10/27/2008

Sunday night there was a shooting at the University of Central Arkansas. Two students were killed and one student is wounded. One of the students was killed on the spot, and the other one died in the hospital. The wounded student was shot in the leg and was released from the Hospital.The campus went on lock down and Monday classes were cancelled. Faculty and students where emailed at 9:30 pm to stay in there dorm rooms. It was the first time the campus had to use there new automated system after they purchased it after the Virginia Tech massacre last year.
It's scary to think that a shooting can happen anywhere. That you are not safe even when you think you are. Living on campus anything can happen so the best thing you can do is be smart. Dont walk alone on campus at night. Have a buddy system two to three people, you will feel safer. Next if your scared about walking on campus talk to University Police or any faculty member, I am sure they can help you with whatever you need. It's best to think smart when incidents like this are happening.
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Published by amanda under
on 10/23/2008

These pumpkins are the coolest things I have ever seen! I can barely cut triangles into a pumpkin and there are people carving Sarah Palin and Barack Obama's faces. These pumpkins are just a sample of how people are using Halloween to get political. One family even has a spider web with politicians trapped in it! Gone are the days of using ghosts and witches to scare the neighborhood. Just put a Palin pumpkin or Obama-lantern(yes I thought of that myself) in your window and everyone will go running and screaming from your house! Who would have thought Halloween could be so political?
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Published by Marissa under
on 10/22/2008
A bit shady and grey, but this picture of a potential UFO does catch your attention. The "UFO" has a very frisbee like appearance, however given that the picture was taken in 1957, maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge.
Thanks to secret files made public this last monday, this story which remained silenced for over 30 years has now been made public. Apparently two U.S. fighter planes were called on May of 1957 to respond and shoot down an unidentified "object" flying over the rural parts of England during the Cold War. The pilots found that the object would hover motionless and then suddenly reach speeds upwards of 7,600 mph. Seemingly impossible with the technology of the period.
The pilots had their lock on the object and were about to shoot twenty four rockets to bring it down, when instantly it vanished from radar. The pilots returned to base and were briefed, as routine, when a mysterious man threatened them with a "national security breach" if they ever said a word about the event. Now made public years later, any evidence implying UFO or otherwise, is very scarce. We may never know whether this incident was proof of extra-terrestrial life or a secret military project, as some have alluded to, but these pilots standby what they saw and are still hoping for answers.
Published by Donnie under
on 10/21/2008

When I saw this picture I felt good and thought it was a great photograph. A nice day with the flag strung up and the Washington Monument in the background. It’s a great shot and it caught my eye. Right away it made me think about what’s going on in our country. Of course in a few weeks a new president will be elected. This is going to be very important time for the future of the United States. I’m nervous about what’s in store for the future, how about you?
This photo is from an article about a national poll that was recently done concerning the current state of the country. Only one quarter of the people polled felt good about the way things are going. I myself feel unsure about the direction of the country. It seems that other people are unsure as well. The article states that people are scared, are you scared of what’s going on? This simple photo of the flag has stirred many emotions.
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Published by vicki under
on 10/20/2008

This photo was taken in Afghanistan and it looks to me as if Afghanistan guards are stopping cars for no apparent reason. When actually,a woman who was 34 was gunned down by someone from the Taliban,for trying to spread her faith: Christianity throughout Kabul Afghanistan. In this photo the guards were actually stopping taxi cabs to see if they knew what happened to the woman and why. The Taliban did take full responsibility for their actions, but in reality is it necessary to kill someone for what they believe in? Last year a group of 23 South Korean aid workers from a church group were taken hostage in southern Afghanistan. Two were killed and the rest were released. In 2001 with international aid workers including two Americans were imprisoned and charged with preaching Christianity.
When is this going to end? These people are just here to help those who need it, they want nothing more then to serve the lord and know that in some way they are helping people. If people are willing to learn a new faith and want to change their lives for the better, they should have that right. They shouldn't be afraid of being murdered for something they believe in.
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Published by The Blog Shot under
on 10/18/2008

At first glance this has got to be a political story, Democrats and Republicans going at it again, but what about? Debates, Foreign Policy, Taxes or the Economy? Actually this is about organizational habits. According to a controversial study, Liberals are in fact messier than Conservatives, this based on their personal spaces; bedrooms or offices. So I guess it's not about which side of the political spectrum you're on, now it's whose side of the bedroom is cleaner!
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Published by amanda under
on 10/16/2008

And I thought the seals at the Niagara Falls Aquarium were the only animals that could paint a picture! If you are ever at the Falls go see them, they are amazing. This picture is exactly what you see....A horse painting a picture. Cholla, a mustang-quarter horse mix is from Reno, Nevada and has been painting for four years. One of her works is being exhibited in Italy. Want to get an original work by Cholla? It will run you anywhere from $900 to $2,200. Just think of the bragging rights you would have hanging a picture done by a horse on your living room wall. It's funny how we as humans think we are the only great artists in this world, I know Cholla and some seals that can give artists a run for their money.
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Published by vicki under
on 10/15/2008

This photo makes me laugh every time I see it. It looks like McCain is looking up for guidance and Obama is looking evil or looking down for guidance. Either way it is not a flattering picture of either one of them. The article that goes along with this story is saying that McCain is losing votes from states that are republican. It says that Obama has a 10 point lead in polls in Virgina a state that hasn't backed a Democrat in a presidential election since 1964. Is that telling us something? Part of McCain's problem lately is that he is always attacking Obama, if McCain stops attacking him and starts telling the people what he plans to do when he becomes president, I think his support will go up.
In the last few weeks of the Presidential election things could change drastically for either candidate. They both need to bust there butts to show people what they are made of!
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Published by Marissa under
on 10/15/2008
Taking a first look at this picture, the orange clad man gave me an image of a man in a prison jumpsuit. However, he is not the one who could be finding himself on trial. The "Camorra", the mafia native to Naples, Italy, have a death wish for this author, Roberto Savino.
Savino is the author of "Gomorra", an insider look into the workings of the mob seeking him. The book was so well received, that it has been made into a movie, due to be in theaters this Christmas. Savino investigations into the dangerous mob, have prompted threats and straight out statements from the Camorra that Savino has an expiration date. Consequently, Savino was placed in protective custody for the past to years as the deadline approaches. No wonder he looks so worried.
Savino is not the first to divulge secrets of the mafia to the public, the well known "Donnie Brasco" movie was the story of Joseph Pistone, an undercover cop who infiltrated the mob and lived to tell the tale. With body guards and a good deal of police protection, hopefully Savino will see life past Christmas, and his compelling story can be shared as well.
To read more, see the original article at:;_ylt=Alhzcx2TRJNodTw9jk3Sv0EuQE4F
Published by Donnie under
on 10/14/2008

At first look I thought this was a photo of a house where something bad happened or some sort of discovery took place. The photo is actually of a mansion in Staten Island that has many people intrigued. After reading about the house I found out it was where a mob murder took place. Back in 2005 the caretaker of the house is accused of luring a man and murdering him, then got paid for it by the mob. He is currently in Federal prison and will be going to trial this week. The FBI searched the grounds for more bodies, but didn't find any.
The story doesn't stop there, the mansion is believed to be haunted. There are many tales of ghosts haunting the house to sounds being heard at night. The house was built in the 1800s and had a twin house built next to it, but it later burned to the ground. Many of the ghosts that haunt the house are believed to be people who died on the grounds at some time. The house is currently empty, but with Halloween approaching many will stop by to take a look. To find out more check out the article.
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Published by The Blog Shot under
on 10/10/2008

First saw this photo and thought, alright, what's happened with the debates, what's Obama saying about McCain not, or vice versa. The Obama campaign recently purchased two half hour prime-time television blocks to run ads during. This is significant because this will give Obama tons of exposure, possibly catapulting him way ahead of McCain if his methods sway undecided voters. This could however result in more damage than good; there is such thing as pushing too hard. What do you think? Will this new attempt by Obama work in his favor, to his demise, or not really have any impact. For almost 2 million in ad space, it better get him something.
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Published by amanda under
on 10/09/2008

No, this man is not suffering from a headache. It is much MUCH bigger than that. Today, just about twenty minutes before posting this blog the DOW Jones Industrials fell more than 660 points to go below the 9,000 mark. To be exact it fell 7.2% to 8,586. This is a scary time for all Americans, not just the rich. The frustration and anger on this man's face and he clenches his fist to his head is universal to what everyone is feeling. Just when we thought it could get better, it only seems to get worse. The drop was caused mostly from General Motors which fell 30% because there is speculation that the Standard and Poor's Rating Service is going to lower GM and their lending company GMAC ratings, so stock holders started selling. I do not claim to be a financial expert, but I know this is not good and if something does not turn around fast, we all are going to be pounding our heads very hard. Maybe we should all invest in Tylenol.
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Published by Marissa under
on 10/08/2008
What the?.....
That was the first reaction I had when seeing this picture. As a person with many tattoos myself, I'm all for self expression in ink, but common....seriously? There is tattoo on this woman's forehead that reads "".Something that will remain on her face for everyone, including herself to see for the rest of her life, and a gambling website was the choice. Once I read the article, it appears the gambling site paid her $10,000 for the laughable "advertising space" on her forehead. She should have asked for more if you ask me. It is heartening to known that she did this for her son, so that he could continue in school. A very big sacrafice considering it effects your daily life, forever. What do you think? Do you think $10,000 warrants using our foreheads as billboards? Is this some new advertising gimic of the future?
You can read more at the originial article below:
Published by Donnie under
on 10/07/2008

At first look I thought this was about a woman who grew up or a picture of a mother and child. I sat and looked at the photo for about five minutes then read the article. It's a disturbing situation if you ask me. The woman in the photo is the same person in both pictures, she has quite a story to tell. I will give a brief overview, her name is Brianne and she is one of many pictures in a book called "The Oxford Project"by Peter Feldstein. A man took a series of pictures back in 1984 of towns people in Oxford, Iowa.
The story of Brianne is a sad one in my opinion. She was left at church at the age of three with a note that said take care of me. Did you notice the dog in the picture, it was the family dog 'Freddy' he was also left with Brianne. Her family were carnival people who went out of buisness in Iowa. This is a one of many stories captured in this project of oral histories in this small town. If your interested in more I suggest you check the article to learn more about the "The Oxford Project".
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Published by The Blog Shot under
on 10/06/2008

First of all, I won't pretend that I'm some sort of fashion expert, but I do know to dress in a way where people don't gawk at me when I walk by. Apparently this is not the case for renown French fashion designer Pierre Cardin. interestingly enough this is a part of his 2009 line up. Do you think that some people let their egos get too big and they do stuff as a joke? It's almost ridiculous to believe that this is a legitimate concept. What do you think? Do you think that this is fashion?
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Published by vicki under
on 10/06/2008

It's funny to hear what people do when they are not happy and their life is not going the way they want it too... A man who had been out of a job for several months kills his mother-in-law wife and three sons and then kills himself because of not having a job. My question is what would make someone hurt innocent people just because they didn't have a job?
This really bothers me because the family I bet supported him when he didn't have a job and it just makes me sad that these innocent people had to die because he wasn't happy with the way his life was going. What do you think, was it right to right to punish his family for him not having a job? Did he justify his killings by killing himself?
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Published by amanda under
on 10/02/2008

Even twenty years later my heart still skips a beat when I see these five guys. Any girl that was a child of the eighties know who this is and is probably having fond memories of sleep overs and collecting New Kids On The Block memorabilia. Joey was my personal favorite, but that is a blog for another time. Girls of this generation that loved NSYNC need to pay respect to the founders of boy pop groups. A pop group that should have stopped in 1990!
While I may not enjoy singing along to "step by step(ohhhh baby)" anymore, I am a big supporter of breast cancer research and finding a cure. Even if they are has-bens, they are trying to get a message out, and hopefully more than their five fans will listen. October is national breast cancer month, so go pink, and support a great cause.
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Published by Marissa under
on 10/01/2008

eBay has been the home to auction for anything from roller skates to motorcycles, and recently a woman bought this abandoned house for a whole $1.75. Who would have thought. When I first saw this picture, I was hit by the wear and tear this house must have been through over the years, but surely a home is worth more than a stick of gum right? Apparently Joanne Smith of Chicago topped all eight bids that preceded her on the online auction. Of course the original article describes that this house on top of being abandoned, and maybe inhabitable, is also in a large amount of debt: $850 is owed in back taxes and yard maintenance. Perhaps Smith didn't know what she was getting herself into. The house is located in Saginaw, a town that's been hard hit financially through the last couple of years. Smith says she has no plans to live in or keep the house, instead she intends on selling the house herself. Recently appraised at no more than the cost of a soda, it appears Smith has her work cut out for her.
Published by Donnie under
on 9/30/2008

By looking at this photo you can tell this is a mugshot. It's a Middleport woman who was arrested on Monday in Ohio. Of course it's not a normal mug shot, the woman is wearing a cow suit. The woman caused some disturbances by supposedly chasing children and causing traffic problems on a couple of streets. She also urinated on a front porch and was verbally abusive to the arresting police officers.
When I first saw the photo I kind of felt bad, even though it was funny to look at. I thought to myself that she must of been on something or has mental problems. It stated in the original article that she smelled like alcohol when being transported to jail. If you read the article there are more details on what happened. I hope she can get some help to avoid these embarrassing situations. I don't think I would've believed this story if I didn't read it.
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Published by vicki under
on 9/29/2008

This photo could have many different explanations, at first I thought maybe someone is upset that the stocks are going down or something happened to upset them personally. When in reality this photo is a concerned citizen wondering what the United States is going to do without the financial bill.
This photo shows the disappointment of the people of the United States when the House of Representatives rejected the $700 billion plan to bail the US out financially. People want it to be put up for another vote, but will that help? If the House of Representatives rejected it once, what chance does it have of being passed a second time.
I wonder what is going to happen to the United States way of living because of our financial problem... It might mean the people having to cut back on buying, loss of jobs, or the Bush administration is going to have to look for another way to fix this problem if the bill isn't going to be passed.
What are your thoughts about the United States financial problem?
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Published by The Blog Shot under
on 9/28/2008

The way things are today, this photo says that there is actually more going on out there other than politics, failing markets and failed financial plans; people flying. But really what's going on here? Obviously a man is flying some sort of craft, does this have to do with alternative vehicle ideas? Maybe someday we'll all be flying around, no more harmful exhaust fumes or annoying traffic jams, we just pick up our set of wings and fly away. All jokes aside, it's good to see that even as bad as things are, people are still out there having fun and exploring their interests what ever they are. What do you think? What would you be doing if you had the time and money to do what you wanted...?
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Published by amanda under
on 9/25/2008

Wow! Harry Potter is so not some geeky wizard boy anymore! Who knew he had some freak in him! Those were definitely my first reactions after seeing this picture. Harry Potter, whose real name is Daniel Radcliff, naked, sitting on a horse. I hope this is not an advertisement for the next Harry Potter movie!
After calming down, and actually reading the article, I learned that this is a photograph taken by world renowned photographer Annie Leibowitz for Vogue magazine. Leibowitz, for those not familiar with her work, she took that controversial picture of Miley Cyrus that was on the cover of Vanity Fair. She is an innovator that likes to take risks, and produces amazing pictures.
As for Daniel Radcliff, the article explains that he is in the play EQUUS which is starting up in New York City, after getting great reviews in London. So why the nudity? Radcliff appears fully nude in parts of the show. After reading the article, the picture is a perfect fit.
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Published by Marissa under
on 9/24/2008
I saw this picture and immediately noticed the sadness in the man's eyes. The photograph was taken in front of white concrete, so I expected that he must be in jail for some crime. His eyes project an almost acceptance of his fate. Calm, despite the chaos that prison is.
After reading the article, it turns out this man was found guilty for a 1989 killing of an off-duty police officer in Jackson, Georgia. Awaiting his execution, this photo gives a glimpse of his state of mind as the dead line approaches. A mere two hours before his death sentence was to be carried out, CNN played on the television in his cell. Breaking news announced that Davis's sentence had been reprieved. The U.S. Supreme Court's issued the repeal just in time. Supporters had been gathered outside, and when the announcement reached them cheers and thanks to god were heard. Davis escaped what must have appeared certain death, only two hours separating him from finality.
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Published by Donnie under
on 9/23/2008

This photograph caught my attention right away, I thought to myself what happened? The car is smashed up and the photo is a close up of the driver side door. I thought to myself it must of been bad because the man is covering his mouth. I think the man is in shock of what just took place or what he is looking at. This accident or wreck looks like it took place in a different country. I assume this because of the mans vest, it doesn't look like something a paramedic would wear in the U.S.
After reading the article, it's about a young Palestinian man who drove BMW into a group of Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem. Two victims were seriously injured and 13 sustained non life threating injuries. The driver was shot and killed by one of the Israeli soldiers in the group. The article states that this is the third time since July a vehicle was used as a weapon in Jerusalem. It's sad that things have to come to this. If you have time give it a read.
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