What has happened now??

Published by vicki under on 9/29/2008

This photo could have many different explanations, at first I thought maybe someone is upset that the stocks are going down or something happened to upset them personally. When in reality this photo is a concerned citizen wondering what the United States is going to do without the financial bill.
This photo shows the disappointment of the people of the United States when the House of Representatives rejected the $700 billion plan to bail the US out financially. People want it to be put up for another vote, but will that help? If the House of Representatives rejected it once, what chance does it have of being passed a second time.
I wonder what is going to happen to the United States way of living because of our financial problem... It might mean the people having to cut back on buying, loss of jobs, or the Bush administration is going to have to look for another way to fix this problem if the bill isn't going to be passed.
What are your thoughts about the United States financial problem?

To see the article...


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