Obama's big buy...

Published by The Blog Shot under on 10/10/2008

First saw this photo and thought, alright, what's happened with the debates, what's Obama saying about McCain not, or vice versa. The Obama campaign recently purchased two half hour prime-time television blocks to run ads during. This is significant because this will give Obama tons of exposure, possibly catapulting him way ahead of McCain if his methods sway undecided voters. This could however result in more damage than good; there is such thing as pushing too hard. What do you think? Will this new attempt by Obama work in his favor, to his demise, or not really have any impact. For almost 2 million in ad space, it better get him something.

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Tylenol Anyone?!

Published by amanda under on 10/09/2008

No, this man is not suffering from a headache. It is much MUCH bigger than that. Today, just about twenty minutes before posting this blog the DOW Jones Industrials fell more than 660 points to go below the 9,000 mark. To be exact it fell 7.2% to 8,586. This is a scary time for all Americans, not just the rich. The frustration and anger on this man's face and he clenches his fist to his head is universal to what everyone is feeling. Just when we thought it could get better, it only seems to get worse. The drop was caused mostly from General Motors which fell 30% because there is speculation that the Standard and Poor's Rating Service is going to lower GM and their lending company GMAC ratings, so stock holders started selling. I do not claim to be a financial expert, but I know this is not good and if something does not turn around fast, we all are going to be pounding our heads very hard. Maybe we should all invest in Tylenol.

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Advertising Space on Forehead Sells for $10,000

Published by Marissa under on 10/08/2008
What the?.....
That was the first reaction I had when seeing this picture. As a person with many tattoos myself, I'm all for self expression in ink, but common....seriously? There is tattoo on this woman's forehead that reads "GoldenPalace.com".Something that will remain on her face for everyone, including herself to see for the rest of her life, and a gambling website was the choice. Once I read the article,  it appears the gambling site paid her $10,000 for the laughable "advertising space" on her forehead. She should have asked for more if you ask me. It is heartening to known that she did this for her son, so that he could continue in school. A very big sacrafice considering it effects your daily life, forever.  What do you think? Do you think $10,000 warrants using our foreheads as billboards? Is this some new advertising gimic of the future?

You can read more at the originial article below:


The Oxford Project

Published by Donnie under on 10/07/2008

At first look I thought this was about a woman who grew up or a picture of a mother and child. I sat and looked at the photo for about five minutes then read the article. It's a disturbing situation if you ask me. The woman in the photo is the same person in both pictures, she has quite a story to tell. I will give a brief overview, her name is Brianne and she is one of many pictures in a book called "The Oxford Project"by Peter Feldstein. A man took a series of pictures back in 1984 of towns people in Oxford, Iowa.
The story of Brianne is a sad one in my opinion. She was left at church at the age of three with a note that said take care of me. Did you notice the dog in the picture, it was the family dog 'Freddy' he was also left with Brianne. Her family were carnival people who went out of buisness in Iowa. This is a one of many stories captured in this project of oral histories in this small town. If your interested in more I suggest you check the article to learn more about the "The Oxford Project".

To see this Article...


A New Foreign Policy

Published by The Blog Shot under on 10/06/2008

First of all, I won't pretend that I'm some sort of fashion expert, but I do know to dress in a way where people don't gawk at me when I walk by. Apparently this is not the case for renown French fashion designer Pierre Cardin. interestingly enough this is a part of his 2009 line up. Do you think that some people let their egos get too big and they do stuff as a joke? It's almost ridiculous to believe that this is a legitimate concept. What do you think? Do you think that this is fashion?

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Husband kills family

Published by vicki under on 10/06/2008

It's funny to hear what people do when they are not happy and their life is not going the way they want it too... A man who had been out of a job for several months kills his mother-in-law wife and three sons and then kills himself because of not having a job. My question is what would make someone hurt innocent people just because they didn't have a job?
This really bothers me because the family I bet supported him when he didn't have a job and it just makes me sad that these innocent people had to die because he wasn't happy with the way his life was going. What do you think, was it right to right to punish his family for him not having a job? Did he justify his killings by killing himself?

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