Sales faster than a speeding bullet

Published by Donnie under on 11/11/2008

At first glance I see empty spaces and some guns on the wall. Then I thought wow guns are going quick. This article's about gun owners being worried because Obama won the election'

Now that Obama has won the election, people across the country are worried about gun sales and rights. Since the election, many people have gone out and bought guns. The reason is because people believe Obama will be harsh on gun control. Many feel a harsh tax will be put on guns and ammo.

The gun dealers across the country are reporting a big hike in gun sales. Assault weapons seem to be the ones coming off the shelves the most. Many feel Obama will hit assault weapons the most with restrictions, or some feel taken right off the shelf. I don't know how to feel about this one, guns are bad if bad people have them. Then again I know responsible gun owners as well.

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