Advertising Space on Forehead Sells for $10,000

Published by Marissa under on 10/08/2008
What the?.....
That was the first reaction I had when seeing this picture. As a person with many tattoos myself, I'm all for self expression in ink, but common....seriously? There is tattoo on this woman's forehead that reads "".Something that will remain on her face for everyone, including herself to see for the rest of her life, and a gambling website was the choice. Once I read the article,  it appears the gambling site paid her $10,000 for the laughable "advertising space" on her forehead. She should have asked for more if you ask me. It is heartening to known that she did this for her son, so that he could continue in school. A very big sacrafice considering it effects your daily life, forever.  What do you think? Do you think $10,000 warrants using our foreheads as billboards? Is this some new advertising gimic of the future?

You can read more at the originial article below:


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