Football player accidently shoots himself in thigh

Published by vicki under on 12/01/2008

This photo is of a man who seems to be walking on the street, but in all reality it is of a Giants Football player named Plaxico Burress who accidently shot himself in the right thigh this past friday night at a Manhatten nightclub. He will appear in court and is pleading not guilty on a weapon possession charge. If he is found guilty he will have to serve up to 3 1/2 years in prision. Should a guy be arrested for shooting himself? I think that there should be some steps taken and that this man should not be able to have a gun anymore, because anyone who shoots themselves in the leg or anywhere that is not going to kill you, is asking for attention. This football player is worried about his career in football and if he will ever be able to play again, but I wonder if he should be allowed to play again for the carless way he takes care of himself.
Hopefully for his sake he will be able to play again, but he should have to go through some kind of therapy that will help him with whatever he is dealing with.People don't just shoot themselves for no reason, there has to be something behind it.


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