Killed for spreading the word of God

Published by vicki under on 10/20/2008

This photo was taken in Afghanistan and it looks to me as if Afghanistan guards are stopping cars for no apparent reason. When actually,a woman who was 34 was gunned down by someone from the Taliban,for trying to spread her faith: Christianity throughout Kabul Afghanistan. In this photo the guards were actually stopping taxi cabs to see if they knew what happened to the woman and why. The Taliban did take full responsibility for their actions, but in reality is it necessary to kill someone for what they believe in? Last year a group of 23 South Korean aid workers from a church group were taken hostage in southern Afghanistan. Two were killed and the rest were released. In 2001 with international aid workers including two Americans were imprisoned and charged with preaching Christianity.
When is this going to end? These people are just here to help those who need it, they want nothing more then to serve the lord and know that in some way they are helping people. If people are willing to learn a new faith and want to change their lives for the better, they should have that right. They shouldn't be afraid of being murdered for something they believe in.

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