Happy Holidays to all....And to all a goodnight

Published by amanda under on 12/04/2008

This picture is beautiful. As it is the end of the semester and Christmas is around the corner, this picture is perfect for what is on everyone's mind. Hopefully everyone will have a safe and happy holiday season. It has been fun, and as sad as it is to say goodbye, I must. It's been real.

There is no article for this picture, so interpret it however you like.

Jack Black is Jesus? Was there really any question?

Published by The Blog Shot under on 12/04/2008

Interestingly enough, this picture is actually from the alleged Sacramento Community College video online where students create a comedy style routine. When I first saw this shot of Jack Black obviously looking like Jesus, I thought, oh no, what kind of Christmas joke do we have going on here? Come to find out, Jack Black and some other Hollywood Celebrities have joined forces to make a comedic stage-play bashing current political issues like gay marriages. Well even though this was not at all what I expected, lets hope Karma doesn't catch up with Jack Black or he might just meet his maker sooner than he expected.

To see the original article...


Published by Donnie under on 12/03/2008

When I first saw this photo I thought to myself wow this guy’s mad. The guy on the right in the picture is full of emotion. When I look at the photo my eyes go right to him. Then I read the article and it’s about updates of the Mumbai attack.
What a horrible situation this was, I couldn’t believe what happened. So many people killed, for what? The article centered on the current suspect in custody and what information he’s given up. The suspect is Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, 21, from Pakistan. I almost threw up when I read that the suspect shot a little boy to shut him up. It must have been so chaotic when the attack was going on. The article states that there were ten attackers and they trained for three months.
All ten attackers were Pakistanis, but Pakistan officials have denied this. The people in the photograph are demonstrators in Mumbai yelling anti-Pakistan remarks. I hope something can help relax tensions in the area. This looks like it could be very hard, considering India and Pakistan’s relationship.

To see article...

Space Beer Lands in Japan

Published by Marissa under on 12/02/2008
From the look of this picture, it appears that barley, the moon, and the Japanese are making a venture together, or at least a press conference. In some ways this is true. The Japanese recently have grown where no one has grown before; in space. 

With the help of the Russian Academy of Science and Japanese powerhouse beer company, Sapporo, the Japanese brewed their trademarked "Space Barley" over the course of five months. The brew was cultivated in the International Space Station in 2006, and now is reaching eager testers at Sapporo Breweries Ltd. 

Could space beer be better than Earth made brew? That is what researchers intend to find out through a series of projects that are looking into the biological studies of the adaption of plants to new environments. So far, there have been no differences found between space made and earth made beer, but no doubt consumers would love to get a taste of the far foreign brew.
To read more on this story, see the original article at:

Football player accidently shoots himself in thigh

Published by vicki under on 12/01/2008

This photo is of a man who seems to be walking on the street, but in all reality it is of a Giants Football player named Plaxico Burress who accidently shot himself in the right thigh this past friday night at a Manhatten nightclub. He will appear in court and is pleading not guilty on a weapon possession charge. If he is found guilty he will have to serve up to 3 1/2 years in prision. Should a guy be arrested for shooting himself? I think that there should be some steps taken and that this man should not be able to have a gun anymore, because anyone who shoots themselves in the leg or anywhere that is not going to kill you, is asking for attention. This football player is worried about his career in football and if he will ever be able to play again, but I wonder if he should be allowed to play again for the carless way he takes care of himself.
Hopefully for his sake he will be able to play again, but he should have to go through some kind of therapy that will help him with whatever he is dealing with.People don't just shoot themselves for no reason, there has to be something behind it.

When shopping turns deadly

Published by amanda under on 11/30/2008

Here is something I never thought I would see. An ambulance outside a Toys R Us just does not seem right. With the holiday weekend ending, and Black Friday over, one can only guess this picture has to do with Black Friday.

There were two men killed in a Toys R Us on Friday in Palm Desert, California. The two men, whose names are not yet released, had a confrontation inside the store and shot each other with handguns. The guns were found near the victims, so no other people are suspects. According to the Toys R Us spokesperson, the incident was not over a toy, but a seperate matter. Times are tough, and Christmas causes a lot of stress, so I personally would not rule out the possibility of the shooting being over the newest video game or Tickle Me Elmo (are those even around still?!).

In a seperate incident, a man was trampled on by customers rushing into Wal-Mart in Long Island, New York at 5 am when doors were open. What is going on people?!!! I went to shopping around Rochester on Friday and people were absolutely insane. I almost got into 5 car accidents in the mall parking lot alone. What happened to "the most wonderful time of the year?" I hope people will start thinking with their heads and not their wallets, so no more incidents like this happen again.

To see the article