More cushin' for the pushin'

Published by The Blog Shot under on 10/31/2008

Sorry no picture for this one, read the article and you'll see why...
When I first read this article I said no way, how funny is this? The main premiss for the story is a stereotype; aparantly it's common knowledge that "larger" women don't have sex. A recent study has proven this to be actually incorrect. So as these winter months approach us, keep in mind, that extra roll or two, might just keep you going; pun intended.

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Who doesn't love sheep

Published by amanda under on 10/30/2008

Sheep really are a cute and resourceful animal. Their wool helps keep many people warm on those cold winter nights. A picture like this can go one of two ways; a sweet story about some sheep farmer, or some kind of horrible animal abuse story. If you guessed either of these, you are wrong!

When your little brother or daughter cannot sleep what do you have them do? You tell them to count sheep so they can fall asleep. Due to stress over the economy many people are not getting much sleep, according to this article. This picture is really irrelevant to the article. I was really hoping for some cute story about sweaters, not how depressed the world is over mortgage payments and retirement. Everyone knows how bad things are, I think it is time for some warm and fuzzy stories to cheer us up.

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Degrees That Sell in the Career World

Published by Marissa under on 10/29/2008

When I first saw this picture, I figured this was an article about the police. But no, this a picture of where your criminal justice degree could take you in finding a career right out of college. 

Many of us are worried about what to expect with degrees in our career field, while the economy is slowly declining. However, despite the lagging market there are many entry-level jobs for all students with bachelors degrees.

People with degrees in the communication area can find jobs in PR, reporting, advertising, public speaking and more, and can make as much as $30,921 in beginning salary. Perhaps more than I or you expected with a dwindling economy, not to mention high competition in the medium. Do you think this is a reasonable expectation for our degrees?

The highest paying degrees are in marketing and business adminstration/managment which apparently can yield slightly less than $60,000 per year. If you are familiar with either of these areas, it can be a huge asset to have entering into the work world.
Do you think this is a reasonable expectation for our degrees? Do you think the economy could have further effects on what salary you do make?

To read more about this, see the original article link below:

Money Woes, Sleeping Goes

Published by Donnie under on 10/28/2008

When I saw the photograph I laughed, man that guys tired. Then I thought to myself he must be at work or had a long day. After reading the article it’s about Americans being concerned about money. Therefore they are losing sleep or not getting any because of money concerns.
A new study was done that shows Americans are having trouble sleeping. People are too worried about finances these days. According to the survey 9 out of 10 Americans are losing sleep becasue of money issues.
The study was done by ComPsych Corporation which has contracts with companies to assist employees with problems and issues. Many of the peoples concerns are the rising cost of living and credit card debt. Some other concerns are school tuition and medical care. I guess this makes sense with the current problems here in America. Hopefully things will get figured out and people can start getting a good night sleep. Check out the details of the study by following the link below.

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Another sign of the failing economy: Booming gun sales

Published by The Blog Shot under on 10/27/2008

I first thought this photo was going to have something to do with hunting season opening or something along those lines; never did I think it would deal with the economy. Apparently gun sales are up 8 to 10, which is really interesting due to the fact that the economy is failing so badly. I wonder what other sales are up in this failing economy? What do you think? This really gives a whole new meaning to Economics class and Guns VS. Butter.

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Shooting on Arkansas Campus

Published by vicki under on 10/27/2008

Sunday night there was a shooting at the University of Central Arkansas. Two students were killed and one student is wounded. One of the students was killed on the spot, and the other one died in the hospital. The wounded student was shot in the leg and was released from the Hospital.The campus went on lock down and Monday classes were cancelled. Faculty and students where emailed at 9:30 pm to stay in there dorm rooms. It was the first time the campus had to use there new automated system after they purchased it after the Virginia Tech massacre last year.

It's scary to think that a shooting can happen anywhere. That you are not safe even when you think you are. Living on campus anything can happen so the best thing you can do is be smart. Dont walk alone on campus at night. Have a buddy system two to three people, you will feel safer. Next if your scared about walking on campus talk to University Police or any faculty member, I am sure they can help you with whatever you need. It's best to think smart when incidents like this are happening.

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