Gun Storage, Better Kept Out of Bed
Published by Marissa under on 11/25/2008Think twice next time you decide to keep your loaded revolver under your pillow. One German man learned this the hard way, after he lost his gun license to what the court called, "irresponsible behavior" by failing to store his weapon properly.
German Law prohibits specifically, gun storage beneath a pillow. Which makes sense if you don't want your fire arm to randomly fire, while your sleeping. This man had a heightened sense of paranoia toward burglars, therefore he kept a gun under his pillow at all times, and a few others around the house.
Many gun use activists are freaking out now that suspicion of arms law changes are suspected with Obama's presidency. Rises in gun purchases all over America are evidence of that, and it seems that the "right to bare arms" certainly is a hot button for many, not just Americans. Crime is also higher than it used to be, which has caused many citizens to do the same as this man, store a gun or other weapon by the bed in the off hand chance you may need to use it to defend yourself.
Where should the law divide? Do you think its reasonable for people to keep guns under the pillow, or on their person?
To read more on this story, see the original article at:
Fabulous find, Marissa!
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